Employment / Position - - European Union

Team Leader on Communications at EIGE

13.07.2021 / Created by (EMWF)

The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is organising a call for applications with a view to establishing a reserve list for the post of Team Leader - Communications.

The registration of applications will begin on 22 June 2021 and will close on 21 July 2021 at 13:30 Eastern European Time. 


Reporting to the Head of Unit, the jobholder will contribute to producing engaging and innovative communications products, with an aim to make EIGE’s research, data and other resources well known and used by stakeholders. This involves developing key messages in cooperation with project managers, drafting content for communication products and coordinating communication activities in line with EIGE’s Knowledge Management and Communications Strategy. In the capacity as a team leader, the jobholder will also coordinate the Communications team’s activities.

The post demands a team player who enjoys turning analytical gender equality-related content to easily understandable messages for specific audiences ranging from policymakers to non-specialists, and who can thrive in a multicultural and multidisciplinary team.


The responsibilities of the post include the following tasks and activities:

  • coordinate planning, implementation and reporting of communications team’s activities, including budget and procurement processes;
  • contribute to quality assurance of documents and processes managed by the team;
  • ensure efficient information flow among team members, across EIGE teams and with Heads of Unit;
  • manage and supervise communications activities and contribute to the work of other teams as needed;
  • help with prioritising work and defining objectives for team members;
  • support and encourage team members to feel empowered and enabled to do their job, and to find creative solutions and effective approaches in their daily work;
  • coordinate and monitor the workload distribution among team members and ensure business continuity during absences;
  • support the Institute’s outreach objectives by identifying and developing high quality communication materials and activities based on the findings of EIGE’s research and results of other related activities;
  • implement and monitor EIGE’s communications strategy;


  • Type : Employment / Position
  • Deadline : 21/07/2021
  • Promoter : EIGE


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