Request for submissions - - Euro-Mediterranean region

Call for Papers on Political Homophobia and Anti-Feminism in The MENA and Europe

07.04.2021 / Created by (EMWF)

Queer Feminist Perspectives on Political Homophobia and Anti-Feminism in the Middle East and Europe | Call for Papers | Digital Conference September 24-25, 2021

This two-day digital conference aims to bring together researchers, activists, and community organizers to discuss how discourses on gender and sexuality have evolved in the Middle East and Europe amid the rise of far-right and authoritarian movements.

The conference will take place on September 24 – 25, 2021, as a two-day digital event. The papers presented will be considered for publication, and we encourage participants to submit original and unpublished work.


Papers should engage issues of sex, sexuality, gender, or intimacy amid increasing political homophobia and anti-feminism in the Middle East and Europe.

Contributions can be reflective essays or research-based and address either region or both. For authors who would like to submit work beyond the scope of these regions, a short paragraph should detail how the submission will contribute to the conference key issues.

Key issues the conference will explore:

  • What are the sociopolitical factors shaping and connecting far-right discourses on gender and sexuality in the Middle East and Europe?
  • What are the discourses, practices, and collective actions that have been mobilized to challenge political homophobia, anti-feminisms, and related social justice issues, in local, regional, and transnational contexts?


Please submit an abstract (around 300 words) and a short bio by April 25, 2021 to

Participants will be notified by May 1, 2021.

For more information, click here

The conference is organized by Humboldt University of Berlin’s Department of Diversity and Social Conflict in cooperation with Brown University and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung 


  • Type : Request for submissions
  • Deadline : 25/04/2021
  • Promoter : CENTER FOR MIDDLE EAST STUDIES, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs


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