Grant / Award - - Multi-country

Prix International 2020: awarding initiatives for women's empowerment

13.01.2020 / Created by (EMWF)

The Fondation la France s’engage partnered with the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to organise its Prix International 2020. This year’s edition has as an objective supporting projects that contribute to promote women’s empowerment.

The Fondation believes that women’s empowerment is a powerful and essential driving force for sustainable development. This award recognizes initiatives that advocate for gender equality.

Who can apply?

  • All social economy structures under local law are eligible: associations, cooperatives, foundations;
  • They must be located in one of the 140 countries recipients of the Public Development Aid;
  • Have an annual budget equal or bigger than 25,000 €;
  • The official language of the competition is French;
  • Projects must focus on one or more fields of action in favour of women’s empowerment.

The Foundation will award 5 candidates per year with an endowment of 20,000 € per project. To promote dialogue and exchanges, the winners will be invited to Paris for an awards ceremony.

Send your applications before the 10th of February 2020!


  • Type : Grant / Award
  • Deadline : 10/02/2020
  • Promoter : Fondation la France s'engage


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