Request for submissions - - MENA region

Fill out this survey to map female tech talents in Arab countries!

24.10.2019 / Created by (EMWF)

Womenpreneur Initiative and SANAD Entrepreneurship Academy are joining forces to launch the "Womenpreneur Tour", an amazing initiative that aims to promote female entrepreneurship in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa), particularly in the fields of technology, digitalisation and innovation. 

One of the main objectives of this project is to understand and analyse the challenges that women entrepreneurs face in their respective countries. That’s why these two organisations will travel across Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan next November and December to meet, interview and map female tech entrepreneurs and digital talents (more information on this tour in the attached document below).

In addition to this research, they also have launched a survey under the title of "Mapping the Female Tech Talents in the Arab Ecosystem", seeking in this way to gain more insights and information to understand what is needed and missing to foster female entrepreneurship.

We invite you to fill out this important survey and support this great initiative!

The survey is available until the 15th of November 2019.

Click here to start the survey.


  • Type : Request for submissions
  • Deadline : 15/11/2019
  • Promoter : Womenpreneur Initiative & SANAD Entrepreneurship Academy


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