Request for submissions - - Europe

Call for papers focusing on media representations of gender roles in Europe

07.08.2019 / Created by (EMWF)

The journal Social Studies launched a call for papers for its upcoming monothematic issue “Media representations and narratives of masculinities across Europe”. This special issues aims to bring together critical analysis focusing on media representations, discourses, narratives and counter-narratives of what it means to be and behave “like a man” in today’s Europe. It wishes to contribute to a comprehensive reflection on the stereotypes that underlie discourses in the mass media and in the online media, and on how cultural productions co-opt, confront, criticize, renegotiate and seek to promote gender alternatives that challenge gender inequality.

The call is open for theoretical and empirical articles that use qualitative, quantitative or mixed methodologies and focus on media representations and narratives of men and masculinities, their relation to policy and legislation, counter-narratives to the stereotyped representations of gender roles, the relation between feminism and masculinities and the fallout of the MeToo movement, social media activism, digital literacy, critical media literacy and other related topics.

The deadline for abstract’s submissions is the 1st of November 2019 and should be sent to the journal address ( ) and to the editors ( and Full papers are expected by 1st March 2020.

More information in the link bellow.

Established in 2004, Social Studies is an academic peer-reviewed journal published by Masaryk University (Czech Republic)


  • Type : Request for submissions
  • Deadline : 01/11/2019
  • Promoter : Journal Social Studies, Masaryk University


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