Employment / Position - Egypt

The ECWR is looking for Fundraising and Marketing Officer in Cairo

17.06.2019 / Created by ECWSRE

The Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights (ECWR) and The Gender and legal Expert House (GELEH) are looking for an experienced and senior fundraiser to build and strengthen special relationships with potential donors. Candidates must have the ability to support women’s human rights and to develop a fundraising & development strategy, research and solicit new donors, while also maintaining relationships with current donors.

Interested candidates should send CV and cover letter by email to ecwr@ecwronline.org with the subject line, "Fundraising & Marketing Officer". The deadline is June 30th, 2019.

More details on this vacancy are available in the attached document.


  • Type : Employment / Position
  • Deadline : 30/06/2019
  • Promoter : The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights


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