Request for submissions - - Euro-Mediterranean region

Call for applications for youth forum: incorporating feminist contributions

03.04.2019 / Created by IEMed

The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), founding member of the Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM), is organizing the III Youth Forum "Unleashing the Potential of Youth Activism and Building Bridges Across the Euro-Mediterranean" in Barcelona on the 16th and 17th of June 2019. The III Youth Forum is a unique opportunity for 40 participants from more than 10 countries to debate and exchange views with policy makers and other young experts on key issues in the Euro-Mediterranean area and to contribute to policy shaping in the region. Organised around two parallel working sessions, practical workshops and a plenary session, this year´s edition of the forum will focus on online and offline youth activism in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The IEMed will select up to 15 young researchers and students from the Euro-Mediterranean region. Selected candidates will have the chance to elaborate a 1-2-pages concept note and present it in the Youth Forum. Furthermore, they will be invited to the EuroMeSCo Annual Conference “Civil Society and Social Movements in the Euro-Mediterranean Region”, to be held on the 18th and 19th of June in Barcelona.

The call for participants is open to the young researchers (under 35) who are affiliated to a research centre or a university based in one of the 43 UfM countries and strive to participate in debates on political and social developments in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Candidates are encouraged to address issues related to feminist movements’ impact and contribution to security, political and social developments of the region, and their links with youth political engagement.

The deadline to fill in the application form is 30 April 2019.

For more information on the Youth Forum and how to apply you can click here.


  • Type : Request for submissions
  • Deadline : 30/04/2019
  • Promoter : IEMed


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