Request for submissions - Libya

LEAP Program to mentor female business entrepreneurs in Libya

24.04.2018 / Created by JCSD

The "LEAP" Entrepreneur Incubator Program is a pilot program launched by Jusoor Center for Studies and Development to empower female entrepreneurs with existing projects or who have pioneer ideas in order to enhance the role of the entrepreneurial and microenterprise community in the economic and social growth.

 Participation Terms:

  • Young Female Entrepreneur who has existing project or has pioneer project idea, aged between 18 and 35
  • The project must generate job opportunities
  • Commitment to attend the program

The Program is carried out in collaboration with Bahaa Jabah.

To register, please complete the form through the link below.


  • Type : Request for submissions
  • Deadline : 30/04/2018
  • Promoter : Centre Jusoor pour les études et le développement


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