Request for submissions - - International

Alyssa Rally: Car rally for women in Tunisia

24.07.2017 / Created by IEMed

The 4th edition of the Allyssa Rally - Shell Fuel Save Trophy will take place in Tunisia from 28th December 2017 until 3rd January 2018. This event has a touristic, ludic and sportive nature. This is a meeting of female crews from different countries (France, Canada, Belgium, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) and eventually others.

The success of the first three editions in 2014, 2015 and 2016, with an increase of the number of participants, encouraged the organization to step up efforts concerning the promotion.

The Alyssa Rally – Shell Fuel Save Trophy is an international car rally for women, essentially based on driving mastery in an imposed speed (maximum 60km/h in all stages) and especially based on the compliances with the traffic rules and the road safety.

That is why there have been no car accident in Alyssa Rally – Shell Fuel Save Trophy 2016 thanks to organization’s vigilance and the security authorities.

Thus, the main goal of the organizers is the security of the participants.

For more information you can read the attached documents. The deadline to submit your candidatures is the next 28th October 2017.


  • Type : Request for submissions
  • Deadline : 28/10/2017
  • Promoter : Société Tout Pour La Tunisie, Ministère des Sports, Fédération Tunisienne de l'Automobile, Ministère du Tourisme, Société Shell Tunisie, Compagnie d'Assurances AMI,Tunis Air


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