Calls and opportunities

168 Resources found in English

Title Type Date Deadline Country

Grants to projects: Support for social movements from Morocco and Catalonia

The goal of this grant is to provide a support for women’s actions and/or for capacity-buildings in the southern social...

Request for submissions 26.07.2017 08/09/2017 Morocco

Alyssa Rally: Car rally for women in Tunisia

The 4th edition of the Allyssa Rally - Shell Fuel Save Trophy will take place in Tunisia from 28th December 2017 until 3rd...

Request for submissions 24.07.2017 28/10/2017 - International

Apply to our call for the mobilization of gender equality actors!

This call for applications aims to identify associations which want to encourage networking and joint actions with other gender...

Request for offer 17.07.2017 03/09/2017 - MENA region

Supporting women's audiovisual sector in Southern Mediterranean

SouthMed WiA, a project funded by the European Union as part of its MedFilm regional programme, has launched its first Call for...

Request for submissions 07.07.2017 15/09/2017 - MENA region

Call for applications for a writer-in-residence on women’s status

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation has launched a call for applications for a writer-in-residence which is open exclusively for...

Request for submissions 04.07.2017 20/08/2017 Algeria

Support for applications for predoctoral fellowships

The Centre de recerca ADHUC - Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat (ADHUC Research Centre – Theory, Gender, Sexuality) offers...

Request for submissions 26.06.2017 20/07/2017 Spain

Call for proposals for taking part in a conference on Gender and Politics

Call for proposals for panels or individual papers for the upcoming International Conference on Gender and Politics on the...

Request for submissions 16.03.2017 20/04/2017 Morocco

Women Cine Makers

The WomenCinemakers magazine is now accepting submissions from female filmmakers, directors and producers for its new annual...

Request for submissions 24.01.2017 28/02/2017 - International

Open call for female Arab artists advocating Human Rights and Social Change

Xabaca seeks to help empower female Arab artists as a source of social transformation and defense of Human Rights. This project...

Request for submissions 22.12.2016 15/01/2017 - MENA region

Gender in Development and Humanitarian Assistance Diploma (GDHA)

In 2016, the Institute for Women's Studies in the Arab World (IWSAW) in collaboration with Human Rights Education Associates...

Request for submissions 21.12.2016 06/01/2017 Lebanon

WE GOV! Empowering MENA CSOs participation policy making

A call for proposals has been launched under the project WE GOV! with a budget of €200,000 and in order to fund innovative micro...

Request for submissions 23.11.2016 11/12/1999 - MENA region

Call for Businesswomen Investors

The association AFAEMME is looking for Businesswomen Investors who are seeking to finance and invest in turnkey factories of...

Request for submissions 23.11.2016 31/12/2016 Spain