Network of networks - Types of Violence - Morocco

Promoting parity, a necessary step towards achieving gender equality in Morocco

19.02.2021 / Created by fldf

In Morocco, preparations are under way for the elections that will be held in 2021. This year, all elected national, local and professional institutions will be renewed, including regional councils and several chambers. The COVID-19 will certainly have an impact on such processes. Ever since the outbreak, women (who make up half of society), have been in the front line of the fight against the pandemic and its consequences, in the medical and paramedical sectors and in various other fields, adopting important educational and social roles; their contributions have been pivotal. Their bigger exposure has also meant that they been subjected to various forms of violence and discrimination. Ten years after the change in the constitution, and despite the State’s commitment to implement human rights dictating gender equality, Morocco is far for reaching parity at institutional, political, civil, economic, social, cultural and environmental levels. Although the constitution strengthened the principle of parity through articles 19 and 164, in addition to the ratification of the law establishing a body to combat all forms of discrimination, achieving parity between women and men when it comes to accessing higher and elected positions remains a challenge.

In this context, the appointment of Ms. Habiba Lakalash as CEO of Moroccan Airports Authority (ONDA) can be perceived as a gesture towards achieving gender equality.

In the midst of the electoral discussions, the Ministerial Council approved, on February 11, several drafts to implement changes in the existing laws. Of outmost relevance is the demand to continue pushing for legislative reforms so that Morocco reaches gender equality at this level. To this end, a series of recommendations were issued:

  • Adopting vertical and horizontal parity at the various levels of the electoral system and its processes, as well as within the structures and organs of the legislative, social and political institutions, trade unions and associations in general.
  • Working towards combating all forms of discrimination, as well as reviewing Law 79.14 to make it meet the Paris Principles and provide it with assessment mechanisms that will enable the tracking and the evaluation of public policies in the field of gender equality and regarding gender-based discriminations.
  • Adapting regulatory laws to the constitutional requirements by clearly stating the principle of parity and creating the necessary legislative mechanisms to ensure it can be achieved.
  • Regarding electoral mechanisms: establishing a quota system that does not allow for the inclusion of two consecutive names of the same sex within electoral lists in each of the local districts, thus ensuring parity; insisting on the need to adopt a mixed list of candidates (alternating between men and women) as a method that guarantees parity in the nominations; pushing for at least one third of female representatives.
  • Establishing clear measures to enable women accessing leadership positions in their communities, districts and regions.
  • Implementing the principle of parity within parties, trade union and professional organizations, which will enable women to participate equitably in all kinds of electoral processes, with the aim of doubling the quantitative and qualitative political participation of women in elected institutions and in decision-making positions.


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