Network of networks - Education / Professional training - - Euro-Mediterranean region
A training programme to enhance Euro-Med interculturality
Act for dialogue, be a plural citizen!
The project "Act for dialogue, Be a plural citizen!" (of wich FFM is a partner) aims to contribute to a better understanding and appropriation of the common heritage that constitutes the Euro-Mediterranean plural identity and to exchange experiences on how to understand and promote multicultural citizenship through non-formal education.
Through mobilisation and networking, 36 Moroccan participants will work with 24 participants from the partner countries around education for intercultural citizenship in a framework of intercultural exchange through the following activities:
- Online capacity building
- Online debates
- International Forum for Learning and Sharing
1- Online capacity building
The main objective of the training is to develop participants’ knowledge and skills on teaching and foster the values of dialogue, pluralism, respect, democracy, social participation and social cohesion, which can strengthen the role of the "Euro Med intercultural citizen" as an agent of change in multicultural societies.
2- Online debates
The debates will take place amongst the same beneficiaries and will be devoted to creating discussions between participants on the constituent elements of education for intercultural citizenship.
3- International forum for learning and sharing
The Forum aims to confront participants with their plural identities. This work is likely to help participants to better understand identity and to lead them to share their culture, heritage and traditions with their correspondents from the Euro-Mediterranean region, away from clichés and prejudices.
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