Network of networks - Types of Violence - Tunisia

An online hackathon to fight against gender-based violence in Tunisia

29.01.2021 / Created by (EMWF)
An online hackathon to fight against gender-based violence in Tunisia

An online hackathon is soon to be launched in Tunisia. Its objective is to develop a mobile application enabling women to have access to legal information in order to combat violence against them.

This activity is carried out in the framework of the project “Support for legal information of vulnerable populations”, co-funded by the European Union in Tunisia and the Council of Europe, the association Women and citizenship El Kef and the foundation Cideal Tunisie.

The hackathon “Yehmik” will take place from 31 January to 28 February. It offers the candidate teams a coaching programme with a technical expert as well as gender and social innovation experts. They will also be given an access to a coworking space to facilitate their work.

A prize of 5000 TND will be awarded to the best application.

To participate, you must fill in this form before January 29, 2021. 


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