Network of networks - Economy / Employment - Bulgaria

Innovations for Social and Labour Inclusion for Migrant Women

24.04.2020 / Created by GAFG
Innovations for Social and Labour Inclusion for Migrant Women

The Power Up project aims the social and labour inclusion of women with a migrant background, by means of empowering and upskilling them. It integrates innovative methodologies and approaches, aimed to empower and enhance the competences of women with a migrant background for their self and professional development.

The POWER UP project pursues the following objectives:

  • Analyze the social and labour situation of women with a migrant background in their host countries to understand and meet their specific needs and skill gaps and those of the support professionals and volunteers dealing with them.
  • Equip professionals and volunteers dealing with women with a migrant background with practical knowledge and innovative techniques to deliver an empowerment and competency-based intervention.
  • Enhance the key social, civic and entrepreneurial competences of women with a migrant background to promote their social and financial independence and their participation in social and civic life.
  • Involve male members of the family and community in the empowerment of women with a migrant background.
  • Provide with guidelines and recommendations to decision and policy makers to enable the social and labour inclusion of women with a migrant background.

The partnership will develop the following intellectual outputs:

- Power Up E-Learning Hub;

- Power Up Handbook of innovative techniques for professionals working with women with a migrant background;

- Power Up Guidelines and Policy Recommendations.

Follow our Facebook page for more news and updates on the project!

Dissemination and exploitation activities and multiplier events to promote and socialize the Power Up project and its main results will be developed in order to ensure a significant impact at local, regional, national and European level.

Four organizations from the EU form the international partnership consortium – Gender Alternatives Foundation (BG), Solidaridad Sin Fronteras (ES), Mindshift (PT) and Matertera (CZ).

"Power Up. Empowering and Upskilling women with a migrant background to foster their social and labour inclusion” (2019-1-BG01-KA204-062546), co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European union.

The duration of the project is 24 months / 01.10.2019 - 30.09.2021/.


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