Network of networks - Education / Professional training - France

Training on non-sexist education to commemorate the 30th anniversary of OHCHR

23.10.2019 / Created by AQ
Training on non-sexist education to commemorate the 30th anniversary of OHCHR

In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (OHCHR) and celebrating its 10 years of commitment to non-sexist education, Adéquations association organizes the training ’’Non-sexist education’’ in Paris on November 12th.

Adéquations is an association that offers training and support in the field of gender equality, ecological transition and international solidarity. Its labour began with the creation of an online resource centre followed by numerous trainings with associations, students, early childhood professionals, national education centres, recreation centres, libraries, etc.

This training aims to promote the rights of the child from a gender perspective. The program will proceed as follows:

  • Morning: Analysing the differentiated socialization of girls and boys in early childhood and its role in producing inequalities and gender-based violence
  • Afternoon: leaning on the OHCHR to promote gender equality.

On the other hand, Adéquations’ partner Les Périphériques Vous Parlent offers free workshops on stereotypes, prejudice and forms of discrimination for high schools and colleges in Paris and Ile-de-France. These one or two hours workshops-projections are given by two speakers (a woman and a man). They raise awareness, in a participative way, of stereotypes, prejudices and the fight against all forms of discrimination, including those towards women. Contact the association for more information.

Beyond these trainings, you can visit the following educational exhibitions of Adéquations, always available for your events and sensitizations:


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