Network of networks - Education / Professional training - Egypt

Online training to enhance women's participation in local governance in Egypt

10.10.2019 / Created by ECWSRE
Online training to enhance women's participation in local governance in Egypt

Last week, the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights (ECWR) in Cairo launched the seventh and final lecture of the first cycle of online training “Establishing and Managing NGO’s”. This cycle is oriented toward NGOs and youth activists and aims to qualify them to manage their resources and improve their labor. Ms. Nehad Abolkomsan —chairwoman of ECWR— leads the lectures, all available on her Youtube channel:


At the end of the cycle, trainees fill an assessment to express their suggestions to improve this project and to receive the training materials (manuals, research papers and PowerPoint presentations).

Soon ECWR will launch the second online training cycle "Local Councils and Participation in Decision Making Process". This cycle is part of ECWR’s project "Enhancing Women’s Capacities for Effective Participation in Local Councils in Egypt", implemented in partnership with the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF). The project aims to enhance the capacities of female local council candidates and to strengthen their engagement with local NGO’s in eight different governorates in Egypt.



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