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Check out the winners and finalists of our art contest Drawing 4 Equality!

14.05.2019 / Created by (EMWF)
Check out the winners and finalists of our art contest Drawing 4 Equality!

Here we have the 3 winners and the 17 finalists of our art contest "Drawing 4 Equality: Challenging gender roles on both sides of the Mediterranean", launched together with the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed).

We would like to thank again all the participants for bringing out such creative and outstanding illustrations and artworks, and sharing their inspiring views and thoughts on gender roles.

We have received more than 270 proposals from 30 different countries tackling various topics such as: the wrong idea according to which some jobs, behaviours and looks are meant for a specific gender; the social pressure to get married or be a mother; the need for educating girls in science; and last but not least, everyone’s freedom to be who they want to be.

Please note that the artists own exclusively the copyright of their artworks. In case you want to use one of the images, always credit and ask the artist for permission.

Don’t miss the amazing work of the winners and the finalists!

3 WINNERS (in alphabetical order by last name)


Inès Marie Goor, France

"Long-distance race with an equal start for everyone"

Mirella Karadzhova, Bulgaria

"My life is not a game, and even if it is, I am the strongest"

Sawsan Nourallah, Syria

FINALISTS (in alphabetical order by last name)

"The cat doesn’t care"

Zeineb Ben Haouala, Tunisia

"The revelation"

Sonia Ben Salem, Tunisia

"Father’s Day"

Laura Breiling, Germany

"Men’s view of women in the Southern Mediterranean"

Abdelghani Dahdouh, Morocco

"A woman holding Atlas on her back, who would have never endured the pain without female support"

Darko Drljevic, Montenegro

"Who is pushing the trolley?"

Marianna Espinós, Spain


Khalil Gharbi, Tunisia

"The Thinker"

Wesam Khalil, Egypt


Andreea Moise, Romania


Alex Ndjoli Pons, Spain

"Breaking socially constructed gender roles"

Mohammad Othman, Syria

"Justice and equality"

Constantin Pavel, Romania

"Life’s Mother"

Mohammad Sabaaneh, Jordan

"Our girls today are the women scientists of tomorrow"

Alexandrina Madalina Satnoianu, Romania

"The shelf of a girl’s life"

Liviu Stanila, Romania

"Your gender doesn’t define you"

Amalia Torres, Spain

"My freedom"

Amer Zohbi, Syria


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