Network of networks - Types of Violence - Morocco

Feminist mobilization in Morocco to protect seasonal workers in Spain

09.11.2018 / Created by fldf
Feminist mobilization in Morocco to protect seasonal workers in Spain

The National Coordinating Body of Feminist Associations has developed an Advocacy Memorandum aimed at improving the conditions of prevention and protection of the rights of female Moroccan seasonal workers on strawberry farms in the province of Huelva in Spain.

And this, in continuation of the work started in May 2018 by the National Coordinating Body which is composed by the Federation of Women’s Rights Leagues, the Union of Feminist Action, Jossour - Moroccan Women Forum and the Moroccan Association against Violence against Women.

Last May, Moroccan seasonal strawberry pickers in Spain denounced their working conditions by filing a legal complaint against their employers, three of them for sexual harassment and one for attempted rape.

This memorandum was launched at a press conference held in October 2018 (video attached).



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