Network of networks - Civil and political rights - - MENA region

Jordan to host X MEDA Women Entrepreneurs Forum

15.06.2018 / Created by AOMBA
Jordan to host X MEDA Women Entrepreneurs Forum

Between 2 and 3 October 2018, the Jordanian capital Amman will host the X MEDA Women Entrepreneurs Forum which is organized by the Association of Mediterranean Business Women’s Organizations (AFAEMME) in cooperation with the Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Mediterranean (ASCAME) and the Jordanian Business and Professional Women Forum, member of Association’s Network of the Euro–Mediterranean Women´s Foundation, Amman and Barcelona Chambers of Commerce.

This year MEDA Week will focus on the role of women in technology and their role in the regional and technological changes currently transforming the Mediterranean. It will also tackle the key opportunities and issues for women in technology in the Mediterranean region.

The event will also include a presentation on the Euro – Mediterranean Women’s Foundation (FFEM) and its actions, including the field diagnosis on advancing gender equality in Zarqaa’s factories which was published by the FFEM and conducted by JFBPW.

For more information on this event, you can check this link or the attached program. To participate in the Forum, you must submit an application through the link listed below.


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