Network of networks - Miscellaneous - France

Book presentation: Your Fatwa does not Apply Here

31.05.2018 / Created by ADVT
Book presentation: Your Fatwa does not Apply Here

On May 29, the TransMéditerranée Festival hosted Ms. Karima Bennoune, Professor of Law at the University of California and Special Rapporteur to the United Nations for Cultural Rights to present her book "Your Fatwa does not Apply Here"; in Grasse (France) in the presence of Ms. Cherifa Kheddar, president of the association Djazairouna.

The book is published in France by Temps Présent editions and draws the portrait of opponents to Islamist fundamentalists in many countries: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Iran, Mali, Chechnya... Most are women, Muslim or atheists. Many were monitored, imprisoned or assaulted. The book also denounces the discrimination suffered by Muslims around the world since September 11, 2001. 

Created in 1996 by the families of victims of Islamist terrorism in Algeria, the association Djazairouna is a member of the network of associations of the FFEM. It defends the material and moral interests of the victims of terrorism in the Mitidja, and protests against the impunity and erasure of the crimes against humanity of Islamist terrorists and their sponsors. 


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