(Cairo, December 24th, 2017) The Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights -ECWR- launches the first interactive website offering legal consultancies "Ask Your Lawyer" .
Through the use of new technologies; the website aims to receive legal questions and inquiries from women, men and all members of the society facilitating their access to justice, especially in light of the high prices of the legal services and the economic pressures the society has been recently experiencing. It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Communication has recently declared that the internet users in 2016 were 50%, one third of the Egyptians are active users of internet. Therefore, ECWR tries the help to the members of the society understand many of legal procedures relevant to their daily life and not limited to the Personal Status Code.
The consultancies extend to different life aspects including sales and procurement contracts, the establishment of a company, labor laws, civil services laws, inheritance laws …etc. and other topics that are closely related to the lives of many and are mainly the result of their lack of understanding of the different legal procedures. The interactive website has a window where the user writes his/her inquiry and the answer comes within 6 to 24 hours, the answers provided are reviewed by a highly professional team of both male and female lawyers.
The website provides the legal consultancies through different tabs including: Your Question Can be Here: This section contains the most controversial questions in various laws as well as their answers such as Personal Status Code, labor laws, and Inheritance law. Common Issues: This section includes more than 100 cases and their answers.
The questions have been received by our male and female lawyers’ team whether via phone or the Facebook page. Those questions are classified according to their topics to be easily accessed by the users. Magazine: This section addresses numbers of legal topics written in a simple way in order to clarify some legal issues related to daily life.
Nehad Abul Komsan, ECWR’s Chairwoman, emphasizes that the website ’Ask Your Lawyer’ is the first interactive platform aiming to provide different legal consultancies for the whole society for the purpose of:
Providing informative, individual, and customized legal consultancies
Raising awareness of the legal rights to avoid potential problems at the early stages of any legal agreement
Helping the society to identify the different legal amendments needed
For more info about this important platform, please check the link below.
This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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