The Foundation - Civil and political rights - - Euro-Mediterranean region

Meeting with the 7 associations that will analyse the situation of women in 2018

22.12.2017 / Created by (EMWF)
Meeting with the 7 associations that will analyse the situation of women in 2018

The Foundation met in Amman with the 7 selected associations following the call for applications to mobilize equality actors at a local level (3rd edition). These associations will study subjects that have a direct impact on women’s lives such as women’s access to local political decision-making (Jordan and Morocco), women’s entrepreneurship (Algeria), women’s role in the preservation of the environment (Lebanon and Tunisia), and violence against women (Egypt and Palestine). 

Every year, the Foundation sets up local clusters of gender equality actors around a leading association in order to develop a diagnosis on a specific subject and territory. The associations undertake to collaborate with different actors in their territory who do not work together generally (local and regional authorities, media, private sector…). They are also encouraged to partner with a research centre to develop the diagnosis according to an academic approach (collecting existing data, identifying the actors that need to be involved, analysing the identified obstacles…). 

Through this initiative, the Foundation highlights the expertise of civil society as a driver of social change and privileged observer of gender equality policies. It allows researchers involved in local clusters to learn about the work of women’s rights associations. The local clusters’ methodology helps establish long-term partnership dynamics and unites the efforts and resources available for gender equality. 

The Framework regional dialogue held in Amman on 12 and 13 December 2017 brought together the 7 associations selected in 2017, 3 associations selected in 2015 and 2016 (Building Bridges AssociationThe Jordan Forum of Business and Professional Women,and The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy Miftah), and several technical and financial partners of the project (the French Embassy in Jordan, the IEMed and CAWTAR). 

The main themes of the Framework regional dialogue can be summed up as follows: 

-The participating associations presented the topics on which they will work in the coming months as well as their ideas to mobilise the actors of their territories. 

-The associations that coordinated local clusters in 2015 and 2016 shared the challenges they encountered in dealing with issues in a methodical manner. They recommended that the newly selected associations include the largest number of stakeholders from the beginning of their action in order to take into account all initiatives related to the chosen theme. 

-Tools to document and capitalise the results obtained were made available to the associations by the project leaders (guides, templates of deliverables, advice in the field of communication and social networks...).

Thanks to this seminar, the associations have new strategies for closely monitoring the actions of the public authorities and creating an environment conducive to the emancipation of women. The seminar is part of the project "Strengthening the capacities of gender equality actors" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and the project "Developing women’s empowerment", labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). 

The project is coordinated by the IEMed, in partnership with CAWTAR, the Federation of Women’s Rights Leagues – FLDF, the Mediterranean Women’s Forum – FFM, the Euro-Mediterranean University and Scientific Network on Gender and Women (RUSEMEG), and the French State, in synergy with the action of the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation. 

We are happy to announce the selected associations in 2017 (name, theme, target region): 

Women in Business Algeria – WIBA (Women Entrepreneurship, Setif, Algeria)

Women and Development Association (Violence against women, Alexandria, Egypt)

Al-Anwar Women Charity Society (Access to local decision-making positions, Ma’an, Jordan)

Tazghart Association (Women’s role in elected entities, Fes - Meknes, Morocco)

Psycho-Social Counseling Center for Women (Gender-based violence, Qalqilya, Palestine)

La Ruche de la citoyenneté active (Women’s empowerment and climate change, Tozeur, Tunisia) 

Donia for Sustainable Developemnet (Women’s empowerment and enviroment preservation , north Lebanon, Lebanon)

Click here to see the pictures of the seminar.

Here, you will find examples of diagnoses made by the local clusters of gender equality, and in the attached file below you will find the achievements of the local clusters (2nd cycle). 


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