The Foundation - Civil and political rights - - MENA region

Apply to our call for applications for the mobilization of gender equality actors!

17.07.2017 / Created by (EMWF)
Apply to our call for applications for the mobilization of gender equality actors!

This call for applications aims to identify associations which want to encourage networking and joint actions with other gender equality actors of their territory following a local approach. The 7 selected associations (1 for each of the 7 beneficiary countries of the call for applications: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia) will constitute and coordinate a local cluster of gender equality actors© in 2017.

A local cluster of gender equality actors© is made up by 5 actors working for gender equality which can be:

  • an association
  • a research or education institution on women and gender
  • a local or regional authority or a government service in charge of advocating for women’s rights and making gender equality advance
  • media (newspaper, television, radio…)
  • an enterprise or a trade union

Every local cluster of gender equality actors© will launch a pilot mobilization action of equality actors in its territory (region or province or metropolitan area of a big city) around a topic related to gender equality that they consider a priority.

This pilot mobilization action will take the form of data collection, consultations, reflexion and exchange of experiences. It will lead to a participatory cooperation dynamics between the different types of gender equality actors and to the production of a field diagnosis at a local level on the issue of interest linked to gender equality. Secondly, the action pilot will allow the collective and participative identification of a fieldwork project in order to overcome the barriers faced during the diagnosis. To access examples of diagnoses made by previous local clusters click here.

The pilot actions will address one of the three priorities which were considered priorities during the Third Ministerial Conference of the Union for the Mediterranean on the role of women in society:

  • Equal rights for women and men to participate in the political, economic, civil and social life
  • Combating all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls
  • Changing attitudes and behaviour to attain gender equality with a view to promote women empowerment not only in rights but also in reality

The call is open to the associations which work in favour of gender equality and which are based in the following countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia. To get more information on the profile of potential beneficiaries and the selection criteria we invite you to read the full call for applications.

The interested associations are invited to fill the online application form available in English, French and Arabic before September, 3, 2017 at midnight (Barcelona hour). Please take note that only one application form per association will be accepted and only complete applications forms will be evaluated.

This call for application is part of the project “Strengthening the capacities of actors working for gender equality” funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI) and the project “Developing women’s empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.

The project is led by the IEMed, in partnership with CAWTAR, FLDDF, FFM, RUSEMEG and the French State. It is in synergy with the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation’s action.


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