The Foundation - Miscellaneous - - Euro-Mediterranean region

Take a look at the new design for our newsletter!

11.07.2017 / Created by (EMWF)
Take a look at the new design for our newsletter!

This July, we are proud to present a new design for our newsletter. Check it out in the following link and let us know what you think. We hope you like it!

Though summer is already here, last month has been full of activities, new reports and initiatives, both from our Foundation and our network’s members.

We highlight the two latest field diagnosis elaborated by different gender actors working together in the Southern Mediterranean, in synergy with our Foundation: “Women’s political participation in Egypt: perspectives from Giza” and “Women’s participation in municipal councils in Liwa al Koura, Irbid (Jordan)”.

In addition, we present our members’ recent activities regarding the project “Strengthening the capacities of actors working for gender equality”, funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (MAEDI) and labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean. Also, we explain the novelties related to the other initiative we coordinate: the CSO WINS project.

Furthermore, you’ll find out about the activities conducted by our members during last month and you’ll be able to check out the newly registered organizations, from France, Algeria and Egypt.

During June, we have published more than 15 documents in our Documentation Centre. In this newsletter, we suggest a little selection from the most interesting studies and resources we have uploaded.

Finally, we invite you to participate in two calls for proposals: for a writer-in-residence on women’s status and for predoctoral fellowships.

Don’t miss it!


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