Network of networks - Education / Professional training - Morocco

25 women met in Rabat for networking and personal development

26.05.2017 / Created by WNMNR
25 women met in Rabat for networking and personal development

Saturday 20th May 2017, Royal Institute for Amazigh Culture (IRCAM), Rabat.

A meeting was organized, last Saturday 20th May 2017 in the Royal Institute for Amazigh Culture Rabat-Morocco (IRCAM), by the Women’s Network for Mentoring / Networking (RFMN) in order to articulate networking and personal development. This activity brought together 25 women, members and non-members from the association.

The President of the RFMN, Aïcha Bouhjar, in her opening remarks remarked that the choice of the event’s subject was not accidental: There is indeed an interdependence between “networking” and “personal development”. Aïcha Bouhjar pointed out that human beings are defined just as much by their identity as by the quality of their relationships; it is therefore important to be aware in order to develop their full potential, and for creating a quality networking, both in personal and professional approaches.

The networking session was moderated by Mouna Sebbahi, member of the RFMN and a certified coach, who captivated the attention of participants on the importance of networking as a tool which is the subject of teaching all around the world concerning the personal development issues. Mouna stressed that networking is an instinctive activity practiced by humans in a consciously way or not, and when it is practiced knowingly allows people to enhance communication. Mouna took care of exploring qualities and the state of mind of a good networker who must propose his support to others even before expecting receive help. A good advice was given by Mouna: the best moment for networking, it is when we don’t need it. Mouna then shared some techniques for facilitating networking.The session finished with an exercise of know each other and exchange their business cards.

The second part of the meeting related to personal development was moderated by Khadija Baghdadi, certified coach, and was about ‘Strategies for happiness’. A definition of happiness allowed the launch of the workshop and the participants shared their own definitions of this word. Khadija presented the myths surrounding the happiness and which impede to a lot of people its identification. She announced then 8 strategies to be able to live this state of “happiness”. A very stimulation debate ensued for the closure of the intervention.

The meeting was very appreciated and some participants, non-members of the association, expressed the wish to be able to integrate the RFMN.


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