After two years of work, study, analysis, workshops and seminars, Forming Responsible Citizens, a Euro-Mediterranean project that aims to prevent juvenile violence and transmit Values of equality between man and woman, is carrying out the third phase. In that stage beneficiaries, such as teachers and student for the secondary and high school in Tunisia and Morocco, are practicing interactive exercises of citizenship in and outside the school community. During the last week of February, 30 teachers from three Tunisian schools have been trained in Hammamet by the experts from "Social Development and Empowerment Center (SDEC)"; the teachers come from the regions of Siliana and Nabeul, and after 5 days of formation with the new material, that includes an innovative and participative approach, they have started the implementation with students at schools. Tunisian teachers have showed a strong enthusiasm and energy that they were able to spread with students in their schools. The first result of this enthusiasm has been to establish collaboration with students to develop together the management for the future learning communities or clubs of Dialogue. During the month of March 2 out-of 3 schools have already created communities learning, elected democratically the representatives of those communities between students and teachers, and have started with the activities in and outside the schools. The names of the clubs are: For the school of Maktar: Hear my Voice to Know My Identity. For the school of Korba: 1. Hear My Voice, 2. Tunisia is Peace / Not terrorism, 3. Women for Change. Meanwhile in Morocco, the Moroccan Center of Civic Education (MCCE) had finalized the lesson for teacher training and at the end of the month of March has started the Training in Casablanca. 28 between teachers, administrative and teachers in training from 4 schools in the region of Casablanca and Settat have received the formation. The training included a wrap-up session with the trained teachers to discuss the positive aspects of such new approach to teaching responsible citizens and practicing on extract from the guide with students. Each of the components of the training was followed by open discussions to highlight the importance of citizenship education, youth participation in community issues, youth violence as well as the challenges and opportunities. And teachers really welcomed that initiative. Soon the implementation in Moroccan schools will start too. For the agenda of the teacher training in Tunisia and in Morocco, please, click here below. The project is labeled by the Union for Mediterranean and coordinated by Ideaborn. Ideaborn and partners are open to public an private fund.
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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