ADWAR continues implementing the activities of the project (Empowering Bedouin women in decision-making and accountability within local council’s), funded by the Netherland representative, in partnership with local Bedouin counsels, the ministry of local government, and Ma’an T.V. The first dialogue session with an official held at AlZweideen Bedouin community. With the presence of ADWAR’s general director Sahar AlKawasmeh, Yatta agriculture directorate representative Dr.Eyad Farajallah, Mrs.Sabha Ghannam the Netherland Representative Officer , and women members of the shadow council at AlZweideen represented by Su’ad AlZweideen . The dialogue aimed at shedding light towards services offered by ministry of agriculture in Bedouin communities, in addition to opening opportunities for Bedouin women to express their needs and demands from officials in Agriculture directorate. ADWAR’s general director opened the session and illustrated the project’s aim and current implementation phase including dialogue sessions with officials. She also highlighted the most important points to be discussed with the agriculture directorate representative and Bedouin women. The Netherland representative Mrs.Sabha Ghannam thanked ADWAR Association for the significant role in forming the shadow council , as well as the agriculture directorate cooperation and target to Bedouin communities through programs and projects, as the ministry of agriculture sets the Bedouin communities as a priority in its’ annual strategic plan. Moreover, Dr.Eyad farajallah talked about the most important projects and programs implemented by the agriculture directorate of Yatta, in which contributes to the development of agricultural sector such as: Greening Palestine, Animal Husbandry, renovating wells, and plant seeds. Discussion with Bedouin women started with highlighting their needs and demands from the agriculture directorate. Women suggested several development projects that helps initiate an income for their families and enhance their social and political statuses. Such as, green housing, renovating wells, and house gardens. Finally, Dr.Farajallah confirmed that all women’s demands would be considered for implementation and priority, as he promised to open chances for registration for Greening Palestine project exceptionally to Bedouin women at AlZweideen for 3 days, so that they can get fruitful trees. As he confirmed that the planting of Yatta Directorate in collaboration with rural development are fully prepared to implement workshops and awareness sessions to meet needs of Bedouin women in the Bedouin communities.
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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