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“Women in the Mediterranean” is the 1st monitoring report of the Foundation

15.05.2015 / Created by (EMWF)
“Women in the Mediterranean” is the 1st monitoring report of the Foundation

Since its launch, the Foundation has undertaken monitoring the progress in terms of equality with reference to the commitments of the UfM states in the field of strengthening the role of women in society. In 2014, working with equality experts and giving a voice to the young generation was suggested in order to have their view of gender-based discriminations. The experts worked together with women PdD candidates and young researchers. To this end, 12 countries were chosen from the 42 in the Euro-Mediterranean region: Algeria, Egypt, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia and Turkey.

The report addresses three main issues: women’s participation in economic, professional and social life; women’s participation in political life; and violence against women.

The Foundation allowed the drafters full freedom of expression; hence the diversity of languages and points of view. Along with the case studies by country, there is a summary of the conclusions enabling identification of the obstacles to women’s emancipation and suggested levers for change. The report highlights the difficulties found by women to fully participate in political and economic life: the economic crisis and the austerity measures have had a negative impact on the status of women and these difficulties are aggravated by tensions linked to the rise of religious fundamentalisms.

The publication will be officially presented at the UfM Conference: Promoting Women’s Participation in Economic Life and at the IEMed.


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