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Call for advocacy and political dialogue of successful practices for equality

15.05.2015 / Created by (EMWF)
Call for advocacy and political dialogue of successful practices for equality

10 March 2015

This call was launched within the framework of the CSO WINS project funded by the CEuropean Union.

The general objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations working for gender equality in the southern Mediterranean, to mobilise policy-makers and public opinion in favour of women’s rights, and to participate in the monitoring of policies related to women on a Euro-Mediterranean scale.

The project is developed by the IEMed and 6 other organisations: ASALA, CAWTAR, DJAZAIROUNA, FFM, LDDF and RUSEMEG. It is in keeping with the mission and objectives pursued by the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation.

The objective of the call for proposals is, on the one hand, to identify 12 advocacy and political dialogue good practices for the promotion of the role of women in society in order to enhance their value at a Euro-Mediterranean level and, on the other, to strengthen the capacities of the organisations that have implemented these good practices while putting them in contact with other organisations in the region.

The call for proposals is aimed at non-governmental organisations in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The results of the selection process and the list of the 12 organisations selected will soon be published on this website.

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