Research - Economy / Employment - - Multi-country

Research seminar on economics in terms of gender

11.05.2015 / Created by (EMWF)
Research seminar on economics in terms of gender

From 9 to 12 October 2014 in Algiers

The issue “Economics in terms of gender" is essential to Algeria, as it is for other countries, because we see an important gap between the statistics on women's access to the education system and their access to employment. State leaders as well as many women's associations often speak of implementing mechanisms that can offer economic benefits to women. This realisation is still valid in many countries of the Mediterranean region. We have believed it necessary to further encourage reflection on these issues because, after some years, the debate has mainly focused on the political representation of women or the access to executive positions, disregarding those in which access to more rights depends firstly and mainly on access to their incomes.

Moreover, when there are studies on women and the economy, such as in the Centre de recherche en Economie Appliquée pour le Développement (CREAD), almost all researchers reflect on relations differentiated by gender. This distinction has formed part of their research since the early 1960s. However, a reflection in terms of gender relations requires a more important theoretical involvement, which is not widespread. Too often, economists are content with a statistical account by gender (male and female).

In certain countries, the structural adjustments have accelerated these processes. In a country such as Algeria, the so-called "informal" sector has taken on such importance that it is at present a driving force. The informal economy has entailed new social categories, based on a "bazaar" economy, which is the social basis of trends that call for control of women, a control generally ensured by religious men. The latter are merely actors at the service of social alliances between the powers and new categories that have achieved dynamism in the informal economy.

During the Algiers seminar, the different issues mentioned here were addressed in roundtables led by the researchers on the morning of 11 October. In the afternoon of that same day, representatives of associations involved in women's struggles in the field took the floor. On the afternoon of 11 and 12 October, the PhD candidates from the region explained their projects and benefited from the pedagogical framework provided by CREAD researchers.

As for the other seminars, the audience included professors, researchers, representatives of women's associations and students. There was a large number of beneficiaries, up to 200 participants: 180 women and 20 men aged 20 to 25 (20 people), 25 to 35 (40 people) and over 35 (140 people). 

This seminary is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacity of equality actors”, of the project “Women for the future in the Mediterranean” funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, and the project “Developing Women’s Empowerment”, labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.


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