The audit team of the report "The extent to which the Palestinian Labor Law is compatible with the needs of working women in the Gaza Strip" held a meeting with a member of the General Secretariat of the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions, Dr. Salama Abu Zaiter, with the aim of publishing the results of the report and presenting recommendations and proposals to decision makers to harmonize the Palestinian Labor Law with the needs of Working women in the Gaza Strip in a way that meets their needs, the most prominent of which are:
1. Amending the Labor Law in line with international labor conventions related to women, such as Convention No. 191, the Convention on Equal Pay, and Convention No. 183 regulating maternity leave for working women.
2. Strengthening the capacity of employers’ and workers’ organizations to promote gender equality and women’s right to work in the private sector.
3. Media shed light on women’s and gender issues, violations in the labor market, and the need to amend the Labor Law and implement it with deterrent penal measures.
4. Spreading legal awareness among working women in the labor market to empower them and enhance their awareness about Palestinian Labor Law.
5. The need to take real and effective intervention steps and procedures to address the phenomenon of harassment in the workplace.
6. Introducing rules and regulations for women’s work in kindergartens and private schools in order to find effective mechanisms to protect their rights.
7. Canceling the exclusion of some working groups from the law, such as domestic servants and family members of the employer, and issuing a system that protects the family members of the employer of the first degree, including unpaid family workers.
8. Forming an alliance to amend the Palestinian Labor Law, and to combat all forms of discrimination based on gender in the work environment.
These activities come within the framework of the "Citizen First" project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Association of University Graduates in partnership with the Center for Civil Society Studies (Civitas) and the Arab World Observatory for Democracy and Elections. These activities aim to spread the culture of dialogue and create an interactive environment with decision makers by presenting recommendations and proposals that are applicable on the ground and finding solutions to improve the quality of services provided to citizens in the Gaza Strip.
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This platform is part of the Axis 1 "Strengthening the capacities of equality actors" of the Priority Solidarity Fund "Women for the future in the Mediterranean" funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and led by the European Institute of the Mediterranean, in the framework of the project “Developing Women's Empowerment” labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
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