Network of networks - Civil and political rights - - Euro-Mediterranean region

CLUSTER Cross-Border Workshop in Jordan develops training materials for young people

11.11.2022 / Created by (EMWF)
CLUSTER Cross-Border Workshop in Jordan develops training materials for young people

Watch the summary of the Cross-Border Workshop which took place on 21 July 2022

The Business Development Center (BDC), in cooperation with National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), organised this workshop in Amman, Jordan, gathering 48 regional and national stakeholders from the public and private sector, TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) institutions and civil society.

The goal of the Workshop was to debate at the regional level the results of the Focus Groups previously held, to raise awareness at the cross-border level and finalise, through the feedback received, the Catalogue of new trainee-oriented Curricula in the field of sustainable economy.

The event consisted of two parallel sessions, a Blue and Green Economy Workshop and a Circular Economy and Sustainable Agriculture Workshop, in which the participants discussed the trainee-oriented Catalogues (aquaponics, hydroponics, organic farming, food processing and soft skills) that rely on the technical curricula of HELIOS and RESMYLE projects, as well as the soft skills curriculum of Maharat Med project. Thus, CLUSTER uptakes the results of these projects by identifying their efficient practices, while ensuring their promotion and disseminationThe results were collectively shared to all the participants, highlighting the suggestions of professionals operating in these fields to ensure that the training outlines increase the skills of young job seekers. 


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