Network of networks - Culture / Sports / Leasure - France

The Forum Femmes Méditerranée of Marseille is organizing an international short story competition on the theme Tomorrow the Mediterranean

01.03.2022 / Created by FFMDE

The Forum Femmes Méditerranée (FFM) de Marseille is organizing an international short story competition on the theme “Tomorrow the Mediterranean”.

Rules: It is aimed at women from countries around the Mediterranean who have never published. An exception will be made for people published on their own account. The texts must be in line with the theme and include a title. Only one text will be accepted per author. The texts must be sent in four numbered copies of a maximum of 10 pages (12,500 characters).

The news must reach FFM before May 31, 2022 at Forum Femmes Méditerranée 51 rue des Dominicaines - 13001 Marseille Tel: +33 4 91 91 14 89 E-mail:

The winners of the Grand Prize and the Prize of Excellence will be invited to Marseille in November 2022. All the winning short stories will be published in a collection.

Meeting of national juries: June 30, 2022

Announcement of award-winning news: September 30, 2022

At the end of November 2022, cultural week in Marseille in the presence of the winners


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