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The Community Media Center implements six awareness workshops in Gaza Governorate on water consumption

01.03.2022 / Created by cmc

The workshops on the water crisis also discussed the responsibility of citizens, municipalities and governments towards mitigating the severity of this crisis. The six awareness sessions, entitled “Rationalizing Water Consumption,” organized by the Community Media Center in cooperation with six grassroots institutions in the Gaza Governorate, saw the participation of more than 130 people of both sexes.

Kholoud Sawalmah, Project Manager at CMC, said that these meetings are part of a series of awareness-raising workshops implemented by the Community Media Center in all governorates of the Gaza Strip, as part of the activities of the project “Towards the better promotion and protection of human rights in the southern West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip - water and land.” The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ), in partnership with the Women’s Media and Development Foundation - TAM, and the Youth Development Resource Center - Hebron (YDRC). 

Andalib Adwan, Director of the Community Media Center, explained that the “Water and Land” project aims to strengthen the role of Palestinian civil society in protecting and monitoring human rights - especially the right to water - by educating local community members, especially women, youth, the elderly, and farmers in marginalized areas. On everything related to the water problem, she added: “We hold these workshops within the framework of our strategic plan at the Community Media Center. The right to water is a basic human right, and it is our responsibility to embody and present this issue by all possible means.”

For more news and details about the public’s interaction with water and land workshops, visit CMC website. 


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