Network of networks - Civil and political rights - Egypt

AEFL concluded the training for media personnel about women's rights in Conventions and MAPUTO Protocol

17.01.2022 / Created by AEFLA
AEFL concluded the training for media personnel about women's rights in Conventions and MAPUTO Protocol

The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL) has concluded the activities of the training for media personnel which was held in Luxor on 14th and 15th January 2022 about women’s rights in international conventions.

20 distinguished journalists attended the training, representing the following governorates: Minya, Assuit, Qina, Sohag, Aswan and Luxor. The two-day training tackled many important topics such as women in international conventions, protection of women, national system and legislations for protecting women’s rights, as well as the CEDAW Convention.

The training also tackled the acquirements enjoyed by women after the constitutional amendments in 2014, and it shed light on the African Union Protocol of 2003 (MAPUTO Protocol).

Moreover, the training shed light on the role of media and media personnel in showing the positive image of women in various media means and professional principles to address women’s issues. Through group work, the journalists assured the necessity of being involved in different programs which address women’s role in sustainable human development, and in the implemention of the Strategic Plan of Egypt of 2030. The media personnel also emphasized the necessity of adopting women-friendly media and shed light on the representation of women leaders in society.


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