The Foundation

News and events

202 Resources found in English

The Foundation - Civil and political rights - - Euro-Mediterranean region

Call for applications for the mobilization of gender equality actors at a local level

Created 02.08.2016

Call for applications for the mobilization of gender equality actors at a local level

This call for applications aims to identify associations which want to encourage networking and joint actions with other gender equality actors of their territory following a local approach. The 7 selected associations (1 for each of the 7...

The Foundation - Education / Professional training - - Euro-Mediterranean region

New audiovisual materials on advocacy and women's rights promotion are available!

Created 15.07.2016

New audiovisual materials on advocacy and women's rights promotion are available!

The documentation related to the capacity-building workshop in advocacy and policy dialogue for gender equality is now online. They illustrate the 6-days training held in Barcelona (Spain) from 4th to 9th April 2016 within the framework of the...

The Foundation - Civil and political rights - Palestinian Authority

Promoting advocacy in favour of women's social and political rights at the local level

Created 13.07.2016

Promoting advocacy in favour of women's social and political rights at the local level

The Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling – WCLAC will conduct a fieldwork project within the framework of the pilot action of mobilization of gender equality actors at local level led in 2015 as the leader of the local cluster of...

The Foundation - Civil and political rights - Morocco

A member in the spotlight: Voix de Femmes Marocaines Association

Created 07.07.2016

A member in the spotlight:  Voix de Femmes Marocaines Association

Voix de Femmes Marocaines association is a member of the Foundation’s network of networks since May 2015. It was founded in 2007 with the aim to protect and promote women and children’s rights, as universally recognized rights. Based...

The Foundation - Civil and political rights - Lebanon

Increasing the representation of Lebanese women in the local political life

Created 30.06.2016

Increasing the representation of Lebanese women in the local political life

The Committee for the Follow-Up on Women's Issues – CFUWI Association launches a field project within the framework of the pilot action of mobilization of gender equality actors at local level led in 2015. This action was realized in the...

The Foundation - Civil and political rights - Egypt

Women and men working together for equality in political participation

Created 30.06.2016

Women and men working together for equality in political participation

The Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development - ACT Egypt Association launches a field project within the framework of the pilot action of mobilization of gender equality actors at local level led in 2015. This action was realized in the...

The Foundation - Civil and political rights - - MENA region

Selection of 8 associations that will be advocating for women's rights

Created 07.06.2016

Selection of 8 associations that will be advocating for women's rights

After the advocacy training held in Barcelona from the 4th to the 9th April 2016, 24 association of the Southern Mediterranean have had the chance to draft an action plan proposal to improve the condition of women in their local and/or national...

The Foundation - Civil and political rights - Algeria

Advocating for women in the Mediterranean: the CSO WINS Project in Algeria

Created 26.05.2016

Advocating for women in the Mediterranean: the CSO WINS Project in Algeria

The CSO WINS project will be introduced on 1 June 2016 in the Association des victimes du terrorisme DJAZAIROUNA's headquarters, in Blida, Algeria. On this occasion, the Foundation and the “First follow-up Report of the Euro-Mediterranean...

The Foundation - Civil and political rights - - Euro-Mediterranean region

The Foundation in the 2nd UfM Regional Dialogue on Women Empowerment

Created 06.05.2016

The Foundation in the 2nd UfM Regional Dialogue on Women Empowerment

Last April 25th-26th the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation participated in the working groups meeting within the framework of the 2nd Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Regional Dialogue on Women Empowerment. The Secretariat of the UfM...

The Foundation - Types of Violence - Lebanon

A member in the spotlight: MARCH Lebanon Association

Created 02.05.2016

A member in the spotlight: MARCH Lebanon Association

MARCH Lebanon Association is a member of the Foundation’s network of networks since May 2015. MARCH was founded in 2011 to create an open-minded Lebanese society with diversity and gender equality among all its constituents. The NGO mainly...

The Foundation - Types of Violence - Spain

Promoting journalism with a gender vision in the Mediterranean

Created 21.04.2016

Promoting journalism with a gender vision in the Mediterranean

On 14 and 15 April, the IEMed, headquarters of the Foundation, hosted the meeting of the Mediterranean Network of information and communication with a gender vision. The purpose of the meeting was to build, through experiences of journalism and...

The Foundation - Education / Professional training - - Euro-Mediterranean region

36 associations learnt how to conduct effective advocacy campaigns

Created 14.04.2016

36 associations learnt how to conduct effective advocacy campaigns

36 representatives of civil society organizations working for gender equality in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Greece and Belgium have been reunited in Barcelona for a capacity-building workshop. The...