News and events

633 Resources found in English

The Foundation - Civil and political rights - Palestinian Authority

Workshops on political rights of women in West Bank

Created 28.01.2016

Workshops on political rights of women in West Bank

The Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC) set up a pilot mobilization action among equality actors in the northern and southern regions of Palestine, through workshops on the participation of women in public and political life. The...

The Foundation - Civil and political rights - Lebanon

Mobilization of equality actors in the region of Mount Lebanon

Created 18.01.2016

Mobilization of equality actors in the region of Mount Lebanon

The National Committee for the Follow up of Women's Issues (CFUWI) has set up a pilot action of mobilization of equality actors in the region of Mount Lebanon on the participation of women in public and political life. The action is part of...

The Foundation - Types of Violence - Algeria

Conclusion of the pilot mobilizing action of gender equality actors in Oran in 2015

Created 14.12.2015

Conclusion of the pilot mobilizing action of gender equality actors in Oran in 2015

The last workshop, which gathered equality actors in Oran, was held in the Popular Assembly of the Wilaya of Oran, which opened its premises demonstrating its commitment to fight violence against women. Besides domestic violence, sexual harassment...

The Foundation - Types of Violence - Algeria

Dialogue workshop on violence against women in Oran

Created 11.12.2015

Dialogue workshop on violence against women in Oran

The dialogue workshop held in Oran, on 28th November, 2015, continued the discussion which was started on 14th and 19th November on the overall situation of women victims of violence. Photographs of violence scene were projected and the...

The Foundation - Economy / Employment - Spain

Participation at the 7th Forum of Women Entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean

Created 09.12.2015

Participation at the 7th Forum of Women Entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean

How women's empowerment can contribute to economic growth? How can governments facilitate the participation of women in the economy? How do we enhance women's access to financing? These issues were addressed at the 7th Forum of Women Entrepreneurs...

The Foundation - Types of Violence - Algeria

Involving the media in the fight against gender violence in Oran

Created 09.12.2015

Involving the media in the fight against gender violence in Oran

On 19 November 2015, 47 people gathered in Oran to address the issue of violence against women. Among them, there were representatives of social services and the media, lawyers, researchers in anthropology, sociology and history, as well as...

The Foundation - Education / Professional training - - Euro-Mediterranean region

Opening of a call for participants for a workshop on advocacy

Created 03.12.2015

Opening of a call for participants for a workshop on advocacy

This call for participants forms part of the CSO WINS project: Capacity Building in the Southern Mediterranean to open policy dialogue and monitoring for women in society, funded by the European Union. The purpose of this call is to select 24...

The Foundation - Miscellaneous - - Euro-Mediterranean region

Mobilization and consultation of equality actors at local level

Created 26.11.2015

Mobilization and consultation of equality actors at local level

The 7 associations selected as part of the “Axis 1 Strengthening the capacities of actors working for gender equality” lead research activities and multi-actor consultation on the main issues of the political agenda on gender equality....

The Foundation - Miscellaneous - Tunisia

The "Mediterranean Women" Report was presented in Tunis

Created 13.11.2015


The Foundation organised the presentation of its First monitoring report of the Ministerial Conferences on "Women in the Mediterranean" in the Centre de Recherches d'Etudes, de Documentation et d'Information sur la Femme, in Tunis, in partnership...

The Foundation - Miscellaneous - Portugal

Participation of the 4th World Women's March and meeting with ambassadors

Created 09.11.2015

Participation of the 4th World Women's March and meeting with ambassadors

From 17 to 19 October, 2015 in LisbonThe Foundation participated in several activities in the European framework of the closure of the 4èrme World Women’s March, including in the gatherings with many associations of women committed to...

Research - Types of Violence - Tunisia

Proceedings of the Research seminar on violence against women

Created 04.11.2015

Proceedings of the Research seminar on violence against women

8 and 9 October 2015 in TunisThis research seminar of RUSEMEG was organized at the Faculty of Letters of Arts and Humanities of Manouba in cooperation with CREDIF and CAWTAR. The seminar aimed to provide a cross-reflection...

The Foundation - Education / Professional training - - Euro-Mediterranean region

Call for experts in advocacy and political dialogue in favour of equality

Created 03.11.2015

Call for experts in advocacy and political dialogue in favour of equality

The IEMed and its partners ASALA, CAWTAR, DJAZAIROUNA, FFM, LDDF and RUSEMEG, are looking for experts in the development of advocacy and policy dialogue in favour of equality between men and women in the southern Mediterranean to develop a...