Civil and political rights - - International

Young Feminist Manifesto a Bold and Transformative Vision for Change

23.03.2021 / Created by (EMWF)

This manifesto was created through a co-creative process, thanks to the dedication and persistence of the brilliant young people who are a part of the Generation Equality Forum. In the creation of this manifesto, they created participatory spaces that suited their needs as young people. 

The Generation Equality Forum (GEF) process has an ambitious vision and objective to accelerate progress towards gender equalityand intersectional justice. The GEF clearly acknowledgesthe crucial role youth plays inachieving its ambitious goals. So far, UN Women has shown a will to support young people’s leadership – by establishing the Youth Task Force, by recruiting 300 National Gender Youth Activists to drive youth participation locally, regionally and internationally; and by each of the six Action Coalitions (ACs)having a dedicated spot for youth-led organizations. However, youth activists are frustrated with the implementation falling short of expectations and their own vision.


  • Type of publication : Manifesto
  • Author : Forum Generation Equality
  • Publishing house : Forum Generation Equality
  • Publication date : 2021
  • Number of pages : 32
  • Language : English


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