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No Borders to Equality: Global Mapping of Organizations Working on Gender and Migration

16.03.2021 / Created by (EMWF)

Rising inequalities around the world, now exacerbated by the global coronavirus pandemic, heighten the need for strong, independent civil society–driven efforts to ensure rights‐based and gender‐responsive national and regional migration policies. To begin addressing this challenge, the Women in Migration Network (WIMN) partnered with the Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung (FES) to globally map organizations addressing the intersection of gender and migration.

As a network of migrant rights, feminist, labor, and faith organizations and activists from around theworld, WIMN has an nine-year history of bringing an intersectional feminist lens to global migration policy, drawing on international developments and trends as well as the regional specificities of our members and partners.

This mapping project aims to identify and learn from the work of those organizations addressing the intersection of gender and migration through front line response, research, advocacy, and mobilization. The project focuses on a mapping survey of more than three hundred organizations and networks and includes interviews with nineteen key movement leaders and organizations addressing the rights ofwomen in migration at the local, national, regional,and global levels.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Paola Cyment
  • Publishing house : Women In Migration Network (WIMN)
  • Publication date : 2021
  • Number of pages : 48
  • Language : English


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