Miscellaneous - - International

Gender approaches to cybersecurity: Design, defence and response

25.02.2021 / Created by (EMWF)

This report outlines the relevance of gender norms to cybersecurity. It draws on existing research, supplemented by stakeholder and expert interviews, to assess gender-based differences in the social roles and interaction of women, men and non-binary people of all ages reflected in the distribution of power. 

Overall, gender norms inform cybersecurity in two ways. First, gender constructs individual identities, roles and expectations within cybersecurity and broader society, such as the frequent association of technical expertise with men and masculinity. Second, gender operates as a form of hierarchical social structure. This means that activities and concepts associated with masculinity, such as technical expertise, are often, but not always, valued over those associated with women and femininity, such as communications expertise or equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives.


  • Type of publication : Article
  • Author : Institut des Nations Unies pour la recherche sur le désarmement - UNIDIR
  • Publishing house : United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
  • Publication date : 2021
  • Number of pages : 80
  • Language : English


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