Civil and political rights - Syria

Surviving Freedom: An analysis of the experiences of female survivors of detention after their release, based on the testimonies of the Survivors or not Yet campaign

04.01.2021 / Created by WND

This research is a result of feminist cooperation between Women Now for Development and 3ayny3aynak platform. Tthe latter ran a media campaign that presented eighty-two testimonies of the female survivors of arrest and forced disappearance in Syria, which was the core of this report.

The report analyzes these testimonies, shedding a light on their problems and needs and presenting the different mechanisms that affect them.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Hiba Mehrez
  • Publishing house : Women Now for Development; 3ayny3aynak Platform
  • Publication date : 2020
  • Number of pages : 38
  • Language : English and Arabic


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