Miscellaneous - France

Feminist diplomacy: from a mobilising slogan to a real dynamic of change?

04.11.2020 / Created by FFMDEF

Since March 2018, France has been using the term "feminist diplomacy" when referring to its foreign policy actions in terms of mainstreaming gender equality. It then joined the small number of countries - including Sweden, Canada or Mexico - that have feminist diplomacy or feminist foreign policy. Although France has not adopted a theoretical framework, it has favoured a pragmatic and evolutionary approach. The HCE then wondered about this expression and its implications: is it a simple language game, and therefore a communication issue, or is it a question of raising awareness at the highest level of the importance of integrating equality into France’s foreign policy and therefore a major step forward?

 Thus, this report first introduces the definition of this innovative concept and then formulates 19 recommendations designed to strengthen its framework and its implementation in its various areas of intervention. The report then proposes a state of play of current "feminist diplomacy".


  • Type of publication : Thematic report
  • Author : Brigitte GRÉSY, Martine STORTI, Cléa LE CARDEUR et Al.
  • Publishing house : Haut Conseil à l’Egalité entre les Femmes et les Hommes
  • Publication date : 2020
  • Number of pages : 65
  • Language : French


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