Types of Violence - - Europe

Recommendation on Preventing and Combating Sexism - Council of Europe

23.10.2020 / Created by (EMWF)

On 27 March 2019, the Committee of Ministers adopted the Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism. It comprises a comprehensive catalogue of measures both to prevent and to condemn sexism, and it calls for specific action in such areas as: language and communications; internet and social media; media, advertising and other communication methods; workplace; public sector; justice sector; education institutions; culture and sport; private sphere. Countries are encouraged to pass legislation that condemns sexism and criminalises sexist hate speech. It also requires that countries monitor the implementation of anti-sexist policies at national level and report back periodically to the Council of Europe. The Campaign Sexism : See it. Name it. Stop it!, with tools available in different languages aims at raising awareness about the phenomenon and at eliminating it.


  • Type of publication : Legal text
  • Author : Conseil de l'Europe
  • Publishing house : Council of Europe
  • Publication date : 2019
  • Number of pages : 35
  • Language : English and French


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