Types of Violence - Egypt

Riding the Cyber Wave: How Feminist Activism Develops Strategies against Gender-Based Violence

21.10.2019 / Created by Mecky

This policy brief aims to capture the multifacetedeness of online feminist activism using Egypt as a case study, as the country witnesses an important dynamic of activism that mirrors aspects of similar activism elsewhere in the Euro- Mediterranean region. This brief asserts that online activism constitutes a strategic and influential tool for current feminist and women´s organisations facing material constraints to bring about social change. It commences with a brief overview of the development of feminist activism in the context of the Middle East at large and Egypt in particular. The next section zooms into online feminist activism around gender-based violence in Egypt, analysing two cases. The potential and limitations of online feminist activism are subsequently tackled. The brief concludes with recommendations around online feminist activism, highlighting the importance of supporting and facilitating online activism around gender-based violence.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Mariam Mecky
  • Publishing house : Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission - EuroMesco
  • Publication date : 2019
  • Number of pages : 8
  • Language : English


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