Civil and political rights - - International

The Human Rights of Minority and Indigenous Women

11.07.2019 / Created by SG

This chapter is part of the International Human Rights book series (IHR). It examines and critiques the human rights project through the existing literature, as it specifically focuses on women’s rights and minority and indigenous peoples’ rights, theories, and discourses. The sections on ‘Feminism and international law’ and ‘Islam and women’s human rights’ question how these value systems, theories, and ideologies have been constructed and appropriated to exert power and control on different constituencies. The following section on ‘Feminism, gender, and women’s rights’ then dissects the ways in which feminism critiques group rights. This section and the ensuing one on ‘Feminism and group rights’ reveal how, as in many postcolonial contexts, the notion of feminism and who belongs to this category is emerging as a controversial and divisive issue. The concluding section on ‘Minority rights theories and critiques’ investigates what minority and indigenous discourses tell us about power. This section narrows in on approaches that defend group rights as a way to secure rights for specific communities and those that criticize group rights as an ineffective and detrimental way to empower some members over others within a given community.


  • Type of publication : Book
  • Author : Silvia Gagliardi
  • Publishing house : Springer
  • Publication date : 2019
  • Number of pages : 20
  • Language : English


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