Types of Violence - Egypt

Field diagnosis: Women's perceptions and local mobilisations against domestic violence in Alexandria

25.04.2019 / Created by (EMWF)

Violence against women (VAW) has implications at many levels, especially at the social, psychological and economic ones. This diagnosis explores the level of women’s awareness regarding the forms of violence they are exposed to, their causes and impacts, as well as their knowledge of existing protection mechanisms in Alexandria governorate. It focuses on national legislations regarding domestic violence and on the importance of engaging men, the media and religious figures in combatting VAW. It also provides various ideas on how to improve institutional mechanisms and civil society services offered to victims (police, security, legal, etc.).


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Women and Development Association
  • Publishing house : European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) ; Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Foundation
  • Publication date : 2018
  • Number of pages : 42
  • Language : English


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