Education / Professional training - France

Girls and boys on the road to equality, from school to higher education

25.03.2019 / Created by (EMWF)

This publication compiles a series of statistical data on the comparative success of girls and boys since entering school to entering into working life. It highlights gender differences in youth pathways and success, choice of orientation and further education between girls and boys, which have subsequent implications in terms of employment and the gender professional and wage inequalities.

It also emphasizes that girls’ academic success does not always translate into better professional integration. For instance, if girls do find job at the end of vocational training in the service fields, this is not the case in the areas of productive professions. Once the finish university, girls enter the labour market as well as their male counterparts, but have neither the same level of qualification nor the same salary.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Boubou Traore
  • Publishing house : Ministry of National Education and Youth, Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation - Evaluation, Foresight and Performance Department
  • Publication date : 2019
  • Number of pages : 36
  • Language : French


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