Education / Professional training - France

Doing Feminist and Gender Studies in France

08.01.2019 / Created by (EMWF)

This booklet is a valuable tool for all students in Feminist Studies, Gender and Sexuality. It will help to identify the multitude of resources available to carry out research work both academic and personal, self-taught or supervised.

In addition to specific resources for feminist and gender studies, readers will find more general resource presentations, including ones that would meet the needs and questions of foreign students and / or self-taught students.

The digital version will be updated often.


  • Type of publication : Toolbox / Methodological guide
  • Author : Marine Gilis, Valentina Gleyze, Marine Rouch, Justine Zeller
  • Publishing house : Association EFiGiES
  • Publication date : 2018
  • Number of pages : 52
  • Language : French


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