Civil and political rights - - International

Global Parliamentary Report 2017

04.10.2018 / Created by (EMWF)

The second Global Parliamentary Report shines the spotlight on one of parliament’s critical functions: its power to hold governments accountable for their actions and decisions. Based on the contributions of 150 national parliaments, the report is a practical and useful tool for Members of Parliament (MPs) and other interested communities, as it has examples of how parliaments and MPs carry out oversight in their countries (such as monitoring the Law against Gender-based Violence in Spain; conducing gender-impact analysis in the draft budget in Sweden; etc.). The report also provides tips for MPs on how to approach oversight (Mainstreaming gender equality in oversight activities, Cross-party women’s caucuses, etc.)


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Inter-Parliamentary Union and United Nations Development Programme
  • Publishing house : Inter-Parliamentary Union and United Nations Development Programme
  • Publication date : 2017
  • Number of pages : 117
  • Language : English, French and Arabic


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