Economy / Employment - France

Annual Barometer on workplace discrimination in France - 11th edition

27.09.2018 / Created by (EMWF)

For its 11th edition, the annual Barometer on workplace discrimination shows the exposure of the labour force to sexist, homophobic, racist statements and behaviours at the workplace, often related to religion, handicap or health state. The results are based on the Defender of Rights’ survey "Access to Rights" which covers a sample of 5,117 people representative of the population of mainland France in terms of age, sex, professional category and level of education, and education degree.

The results of the survey show that employees and public servants are not all equally subjected to the risk of being confronted with these situations. In line with other surveys conducted by the Defender of Rights on Discrimination, women remain significantly more affected than men. However, this group is not homogeneous and discrepancies appear as soon as the results are analysed using an intersectional approach. Thus, women perceived as non-white and women with disabilities are the most exposed to hostile attitudes to work.


  • Type of publication : Study / Report
  • Author : Défenseur des droits & Organisation internationale du travail
  • Publishing house : Defender of Rights & International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • Publication date : 2018
  • Number of pages : 19
  • Language : French


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